понедельник, 29 декабря 2014 г.

So Do They Actually Spy on You via Your Own Smartphone? Search Sources

I am not an expert in mobile privacy and security, so basically this is a small collection of the articles about backdoors through which they spy (or can spy) on you. Why I am writing this note is because my latest Google+ post got 100 likes, 9 reshares and 26 comments which is pretty cool for a person with 58 followers.

I have put some sources that you might be willing to read to learn more about the matter. I am not tending to push any thought or idea, just making a sort of collection for people who would like to dig themselves into the depth of the cyber privacy woods.

  1. Identifying back doors, attack points, and surveillance mechanisms in iOS devices - paper written by Jonathan Zdziarski
  2. DROPOUTJEEP: NSA Exploit of the Day - learn about this software from Bruce Schneier
  3. The NSA Reportedly Has Total Access To The Apple iPhone - more about DROPOUTJEEP from Erik Kain at Forbes
  4. Smartphone “Backdoors” and Open Computing - by Julian Sanchez about iOS security design
  5. Chinese Android phones contain in-built hacker 'backdoor' - from theguaridan.com
  6. Don't Be Dumb About Smartphone Privacy - by Caroline Mayer

I have not read the whole list yet, but will possibly do it soon. Hoping this post will get proficient people involved who got the information from the first hand.

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